1. Alley outside Bi Saigon Hotel
2. Typical traffic
3. Typical power lines
4. Typical propaganda
5. Breakfast at Quan An Ngon: restaurant in which best street vendors were brought into one building
6. My professor, Soheb, and me at breakfast
7. Lamps outside the restaurant: they light them at night
8. Lotus Tower: we went on a tour of the construction site
9. Scooter traffic
10. Typical alley
11.Typical varied 4m Architecture
12. Lunch at Wrap and Roll
13. Wrap your own spring rolls
14. Mullet Fish
15. Planter racks outside walk
16. Post Office, Architect: Gustav Eiffel
17. Notre Dame Cathedral
18. Independence Palace Ticket
19. Independence Palace
20. Birthday Dinner at The Refinery
21. Surprise birthday brownie and ice cream